Event Planning Guide

This guide is intended to help student organization leaders understand the privilege and responsibilities of using space on campus. This guide will highlight some of the available resources for student organizations. Finally, this guide is intended to outline the expectations, procedures, and policies for using space on campus. Student organization leadership should consult with the Stamford Student Activities staff for all aspects of event planning on campus.

While the information in this guide is typically applicable to all who use the campus spaces, the information is specific to student organization use. University Departments, Affiliated, and Non-Affiliated users should consult with the Events & Conference Services for clarification on applicable policies, procedures, resources, and associated fees.


Annual Training for Stamford Campus Tier II Presidents and Vice Presidents is required for Active RSO Status.  Non-Stamford RSOs wishing to use space in Stamford should consult with the Student Activities Staff to determine if training is required.

2024/25 Training video will be provided here as a reference/resource.  Viewing the video here will not provide "credit" for the training completion.  Training completion is recorded in HuskyCT

2024-25 Training Video


In addition to the details in the information on this site, here are two valuable resources RSO leaders may need when planning events

Stamford Campus Space Request & Event Registration Form

Event Planning Meeting Prep Sheet

Guidelines for Space Reservations

General Building Use

The Stamford Campus is a public facility open to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests of the University. The staff reserves the right to establish policies for use of the facility by various types of groups and/or individuals. General authority for the establishment of policies is the responsibility of the Dean of the Stamford Campus in consultation with Event Services and Student Activities Staff. Ultimate review and approval is vested in the Stamford Campus Dean. Failure to comply with any policies or guidelines outlined in this policy manual and/or any requests by Stamford Student Activities staff may result in action by the staff to deny privileges, refer to proper authorities, and/or assess appropriate charges.

Policy Exceptions

Requests for exceptions to any of the policies in this document should be referred to the Stamford Campus Dean.

User Group Definitions

Registered Student Organizations (RSO): Any registered student organization at the University of Connecticut that has completed all requirements for recognition by the Student Activities Involvement Office. All RSOs will request and coordinate all reservations, and events through the Stamford Student Activities office.

Department: Any recognized University department, including a recognized department committee or program. Departmental requests for space and coordinate of events will be processed through the Stamford Events & Conference Services office.

Affiliated: An outside group or organization (e.g., professional association) that has a recognized relationship with a university department, not an individual employee. Affiliated requests for space and coordinate of events will be processed through the Stamford Events & Conference Services office.

Non-affiliated: An outside group or organization that does not have a recognized relationship with a university department. Non-Affiliated requests for space and coordinate of events will be processed through the Stamford Events & Conference Services office. Non-affiliated users will be required to complete a “Facilities Use Agreement” with the Stamford Campus.

General Event Protocol

Event Registration

RSOs will submit a Stamford Campus Event Registration form found online Stamford Campus Space Request & Event Registration Form to request reservable space. This is the first step in the process and is used to determine space availability and place a tentative hold on the space. A tentative hold on space does not imply an approved program or event.

Pre-Event Planning Meeting

Once the Stamford Campus Space Request & Event Registration Form has been processed, groups will be assigned an Event Coordinator in Student Activities to assist with the event planning process.  Event organizers will schedule an event planning meeting as soon as possible. The organization and the Student Activities Office will discuss and determine details of the event.

The organization representative present at the planning meeting must attend the event. More than one meeting may be needed to finalize all details for the event.

Topics discussed in this meeting will include:

  • Date, time, location,
  • Purpose of the event
  • Admissions Policy, ticket sales, handling money
  • Emergency information
  • Contracts, agreements, permits,
  • Risk Management including security and staffing
  • Logistics (room, A/V, food, rain location, )
  • Estimated budget
  • Planning timeline and checklist
  • Accommodations for people with disabilities

Day of Event Logistics

The organization representative must attend a pre-event meeting on the date of the program no later than thirty minutes prior to the start of the event. This meeting will also be attended by a representative of the Student Activities Office and a representative from all security groups required for the event. During this meeting, all policies and procedures will be reviewed as well as expectations for all guests.

Post Event Review

The organization representative and the Student Activities Office Representative will schedule a post event meeting to review the program. This should take place within two weeks of the event’s conclusion and will be arranged by the Student Activities Office.

Reserving Space Policies

Facilities are reserved in the order in which requests are received. RSO’s may request space on semester in advance.

University Departments, Affiliated groups, and Non-affiliated groups can request space through Stamford Events & Conference Services.

RSO Reservations

All RSOs must be “Active” (have completed all SOLID training requirements) to request space. RSO’s should direct all requests for space to the Student Activities office by submitting the Stamford Campus Space Request & Event Registration Form

Tier 1 RSOs: May request space ONLY for organizational meetings, and recruitment activities. Requests must be made by an executive officer that is listed in UConntact.

Tier 2 RSOs: May request space for organizational meetings, events, and tabling activities. Requests must be made by an executive officer that is listed in UConntact. The executive officer (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) can then designate a member of their organization to plan the event.

Tier 3 RSOs: May request space for organizational meetings, events, and tabling activities. The support staff and committee chairs of the Tier 3 RSOs may make reservations on behalf of their groups.

The Student Activities staff reserves the right to:

  • determine the appropriate use of space to ensure the maximum and most appropriate utilization of the facility.
  • reassign space to meet campus needs; however, such changes are in collaboration with the users and only in extraordinary situations.
  • cancel a reservation if it conflicts with general University policies, pre-existing University contracts or in the event of a campus emergency.

Any group with unpaid University invoices will be denied access to all University facilities until payment arrangements have been made. If a customer requests a location already reserved by another customer, the requesting customer may be put on a waiting list for that facility upon request. If the facility becomes available later, the Student Activities staff will contact the customer to determine their interest in reserving the facility.

RSOs will be informed of specific policies and procedures related to their reservation request at the time their reservation is made. Depending on the venue, additional guidelines may be in place.

All reservations are not confirmed until detailed information has been provided to the Student Activities Staff. Program/Event information including setup and technical requirements, are due at least 30 days prior to the event date. To ensure appropriate service preparation, event details must be finalized/confirmed 5 business days in advance. Once this deadline passes, the customer is responsible for the payment of any services, facility usage and/or equipment outlined in the final reservation confirmation.

In order to avoid conflicting details, one person must be designated as the group’s contact to make all arrangements for the group’s event.

Reservation start times for events in the Stamford Campus can be no earlier than 30 minutes after the building opening hours. This includes any time needed for A/V sound check, customer setup time, and registration time. All reservations must end 30 minutes prior to the scheduled closing time for the Stamford Campus. Any exceptions to this policy will incur an extended hours fee.

Cancelation, Late Cancelation & No-Show Policy

The Student Activities Staff must be notified of any reservation or service order cancelation no later than 24 hours in advance, or by noon on Friday for a weekend or Monday meeting/event. A customer who fails to cancel a facility/service order within the required time period will remain responsible for all fees associated with using the facility (e.g., technical equipment, staffing, etc.).

Cancelations made later than 24 hours in advance, or after 12:00 pm (noon) on Friday for a weekend or Monday meeting/event are considered a Late Cancelation. Two (2) late cancelations will result in probation for your organization (if your organization is on probation a mandatory meeting with Student Activities staff is required or you will lose your current reservations and any new request for space) and four (4) late cancelations will result in the loss of the use of space and resources for the current semester (and if the last late cancelation happens within the final 3 weeks of the semester the loss of space will extend to the following semester).

A RSO that fails to use the reserved space and does not cancel the reservation on two (2) occasions during a single semester will be put on probation. A mandatory meeting with the Student Activities Staff is required or you will lose your current reservations and any new request for space. Three (3) No Shows will result in the loss of ability to reserve space through the Student Activities staff for the rest of the semester. If the last no show happens within the final 3 weeks of the semester, the loss of space will extend to the following semester

The Stamford Campus has a no-refund policy for reservations in which a facility charge is incurred or payment is received prior to the event. In the event that you must cancel, you will be allowed to apply your payment to a future event. If you do not comply with the cancelation policy, you will forfeit your payment.

Inappropriate Use of Space

No event will be permitted on University property that:

  • is unlawful;
  • disrupts academic activities, other scheduled events, University functions or other normal pursuits that take place in the area.
  • Student organizations and University departments may use Stamford Campus spaces for fundraising efforts but not for individual personal financial gain.
  • Drinking games, including the simulation of drinking games, or other activities involving or promoting the rapid consumption of excessive alcohol are not permitted.

Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, the Stamford Campus will make every effort to remain open. If the University closes or cancels classes, reservations will be canceled.

Groups planning outdoor events may request an indoor facility as an inclement weather alternative location. Stamford Campus reserves the right to delay or cancel an event due to unsafe conditions.

Quick Response Events (QRE) Protocol

The Stamford Campus recognizes the need for the community to respond in a timely and expedited manner to significant events. Quick Response Events (QRE) might include, but are not limited to, a violent or bias incident of significance to our community or a natural disaster. The Stamford Campus reserves the right to determine if the request meets the definition of a QRE.

A registered student organization will contact and work directly with the Student Activities office to plan a QRE event with an expedited timeline. In the event the Student Activities staff is not available, the group will contact the Assistant Director of Student Servies and work directly with them to plan the event. This does not guarantee space availability; however, the Stamford Campus will work with the group to find the best possible solution.


Generally, the facility rental fees are waived for RSOs. However additional staffing requirements, security, cleaning, resource use, etc. may incur additional fees. RSOs should discuss this with the Student Activities staff in detail. Some of the possible fees are highlighted in this section.

Invoices for Stamford Campus Fees

An invoice will be sent to the group’s contact person listed on the reservation. Invoices are due and payable no later than 30 days after receipt. The Stamford Campus may request payment for certain services in advance.

Staffing Fees

All requests for Stamford Campus support staff require advance notice. Please allow for a minimum of ten business days’ notice to secure staff services. University staff charges are arranged through the Student Activities Office. Hourly charges are subject to change.

Extra charges may be incurred by Student organizations for additional staffing requirements for their events. This may be (but not limited to):

  • Support Staff Fees: if the event requires additional support staff to assist with event oversight outside of regular schedule.
  • IT support: if the event requires support staff to set up and run equipment
  • Facilities staff over time: if the even requires extensive set up, clean up, or occurs outside of the staff’s regular schedule
  • Security: should it be determined that the event requires security, it will be the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to pay the associated fees.

Equipment Rental

Some specialized equipment is available for use on campus. It may have a fee associated with it (typically this may be AV Equipment)

Excess Cleaning Fee

In the event that there is breakage, damage, glitter, paint, or an extreme mess left in a room, the organization will incur a cleanup and/or maintenance fee.