Spring Week Event Registration

If you have an event or activity occurring during the week of April 21st and would like it to be promoted during Spring Week, please fill out this form by April 7th to ensure enough time to distribute and market the events.

Submitters Name(Required)
If multiple dates, please put "other" section below
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Start Time(Required)
If multiple dates, please put in "other" section below
End Time(Required)
If multiple dates, please put in "other" section
If multiple dates, please put in "other" section below
Please put any additional dates/times if your event spans more than one day/time
Who should someone contact if they have questions about the event?

If you do not upload advertising content, such as flyers we will generate one for you

Max. file size: 250 MB.
Please upload a PORTRAIT file that can be used for advertising around campus. We will print and hang the flyer. If you do not upload a flyer, we will generate one for you.
Max. file size: 250 MB.
Please upload a (1080x1080) image that can be used for advertising on social media and the calendar
Max. file size: 250 MB.
Please upload a 16:9 image (landscape) that can be used for advertising on social media and the calendar
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.